Q1: 現在のお仕事の内容を教えてください。(What is your position? Please explain your tasks briefly.)
Purchasing & Inventory Coordinator
Q2: バックグランドを教えていただけますか?どのようなお仕事から今回のお仕事に転職をされたのかも含めてご説明ください。(Please explain your professional background. Have you ever worked at Japanese company?)
I previously work for a freight forwarding Japanese company.
Q3: 現在の勤務先を選んだ理由は?(Why did you choose this company?)
I choose this company because I felt confident about the work description it was very similar to my previous employment.
Q4: 就職活動を始めて仕事が決まるまではどのくらいの時間がかかりましたか?(How long did it take to find this job after you started job searching?)
2 months
Q5: 就職活動を振り返ってみていかがでしたか?大変だったこと、苦労したことなどありましたか?(Look back your job searching, is there anything hard or stressing you out?)
I think the most stressful thing is the waiting after the interview.
Q6: 就職活動中の方へのアドバイスをお願いします。(Do you have any advice for people who are seeking a job now?)
Have patience and believe in your self and obtain as much information as you can to prepare yourself for an interview.
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