


07月Biden mixes Harris with Trump, insists he is staying in the presidential race/バイデン氏、今度は身内と宿敵の名前を混同 再選意欲に変化なし06月Biden acknowledges age, bad debate performance but vows to beat Trump/バイデン氏、トランプ氏打倒を改めて表明 出馬取り下げずRecord high prices, rising mortgage rates depress US home sales/ 米中古住宅販売、5月は0.7%減の411万戸 価格は過去最高を記録U.S. adds a much-better-than-expected 272,000 jobs in May, but unemployment rate edges up to 4% 5月の米雇用統計 就業者数 前月より増加 市場予想大きく上回る 05月ヒューストンはシカゴの人口を超え 全米第3都市になるのか? Is Houston poised to surpass Chicago as 3rd most-populous U.S. city?米就業者数、4月は17.5万人増 市場予想下回る04月Japan's yen tumbles to 34-year low; US dollar gains after inflation data ドル34年ぶり157円台へ上昇、日銀の現状維持や米インフレ思惑で金利差意識US job growth blows past expectations; unemployment rate falls to 3.8% 米雇用、3月30.3万人増で予想大幅に上回る 失業率3.8%に低下03月米国で先細る日本語教育 講師の応募減、対策へ日米連携US labor market cooling; unemployment rate rises to two-year high of 3.9%/ 米2月雇用27.5万人増 予想上回る 失業率3.9%に悪化02月Nikkei scores first record high since 1989 as Nvidia fuels frenzy 日経平均バブル期超える、34年ぶり高値更新で初の3万9000円台乗せUS Consumer Sentiment Increases for a Third Straight Month、米消費者マインド3カ月連続で改善、先行き楽観-ミシガン大調査US weekly jobless claims stay low despite high-profile layoff announcements/ 米新規失業保険申請、予想超える減少 労働市場なお堅調Wall Street ends higher; earnings, jobs report in focus 米国株式市場=反発、ダウ369ドル高 主要企業決算や米雇用統計に注目01月eBay is laying off 1,000 employees, about 9% of its staff 米イーベイ、1000人の人員削減を発表"US producer prices unexpectedly fall; goods deflation seen persisting" -米12月PPI、前月比0.1%下落 予想に反し 前年比は伸び加速Important Update on Waivers of the Interview Requirement for Certain Nonimmigrant Visa Applicants


12月Unemployment claims are up, but are still “extraordinarily low” 米失業保険申請件数、予想上回る21万8000件に増加-なお歴史的低水準11月US consumer spending cools; labor market gradually slowing 米個人消費、10月は小幅増 価格指数前年比は21年以来の低い伸び10月US Core PCE Prices Jump Most in Four Months as Spending Picks Up 米PCE、9月はコア価格指数が4カ月で最大の伸び-支出加速US economy added 336,000 jobs last month, almost twice what was expected 米9月の雇用統計 就業者数33.6万人増で予想を大幅に上回る09月US consumer spending was much weaker in the second quarter than previously estimated 米GDP、20─22年の第1四半期それぞれ下方改定The Living Wage a Single Person Needs in All 50 States アメリカ人の単身者が支払う生活費【州別の分析】US jobless claims hit lowest level since February; productivity strongest in years 米新規失業保険申請、21.6万件に減少 2月以来の低水準US unemployment rate rises, wage growth cools as labor market slows 米8月失業率3.8%に上昇、賃金伸び鈍化 雇用18.7万人増08月U.S. second-quarter GDP growth revised lower 米GDP、4-6月改定値は2.1%増に下方修正-個人消費は堅調U.S. 30-year mortgage shoots up to decades-long high - Freddie Mac  米30年住宅ローン金利7.23%、20年超ぶり高水準=フレディマックU.S. 30-year mortgage shoots up to decades-long high - Freddie MacJuly CPI report shows inflation gauge rose 3.2%, less than expected 米CPI、7月前年比3.2%上昇 13カ月ぶり加速 予想は下回るUS jobs growth slowed more than forecast in July 米雇用、7月は予想下回る18.7万人増、失業率3.5%に低下07月In challenge to Tesla, automakers launch US EV charging network GMやホンダなど7社、米でEV充電網の合弁設立へ テスラに対抗Amazon Prime Day sales rise as deep discounts tempt inflation-hit shoppers アマゾン特売2日間の米オンライン売上高、前年比6.1%増の127億ドルLos Angeles-area hotel workers strike over wages, housing LAのホテル従業員数千人がスト、賃上げなど要求06月米PCE価格指数、5月は前年比+3.8%に伸び鈍化 個人消費停滞製造業の建設支出が2022年の2倍に米国の失業保険、新規申請26.2万件 予想上回る04月【全米向け】5/3(水)ACTUS x EBG HR 無料ハイブリッド ウェビナー03月ウォール街(NY)の22年ボーナス減少失業保険申請数は予想より低い2024年度 H1-B申請スタート02月Metaがさらなる従業員を解雇することを計画か 米アマゾン週3日以上の出社義務物価指数(CPI)前年比6.4%上昇失業保険申請数の低下社員の定着率を上げるリテンションアイディア5選!01月MSに続き、Googleもレイオフを実施2022年12月雇用統計2023年 謹賀新年


12月2022年 年末のご挨拶【2023年度版】The Top 6 Things Employees Want in Their Next JobU.S. Japan Publication News Advanced への掲載のお知らせ2022年11月雇用統計11月米企業インテルが人員削減を予定Jobless Claims Rise but Stay Near Prepandemic LowsAmazon Is Said to Plan to Lay Off Thousands of Employees企業のレイオフの波が経済について教えてくれることAnnual State of People Strategy Report by Lattice10月NYC ワークプレイス・ワクチン接種義務解除のお知らせNY州における給料レンジ公開法、11月1日(火)より施工開始10月14日(金) SNSライブ最終回配信【人材紹介会社を使った就活の流れ】U.S. FAA mandates new flight attendant rest time rules09月NYC、企業のワクチン接種義務を撤廃へDepression Affects Almost 1 in 10 AmericansTech workers are still in high demand2022年8月雇用統計08月米国労働統計局による2022年7月の求人労働異動調査California to Ban the Sale of New Gasoline Cars【SNSライブ配信のお詫びと再配信のお知らせ】第12回 8月19日(金) SNSライブ配信【対面面接での秘訣】失業保険の申請が14,000件増加How Employers Are Responding To Challenges Created By Labor Shortage07月Shopify 従業員削減へ2022年6月の米国インフレ率=9.1%、人々の間で景気後退の懸念強まるU.S. House Democrat says agreement coming on semiconductor bill第11回 7月15日(金) SNSライブ配信【人材派遣会社を使うメリット】Class of 2022 entering the best job market in years06月電気自動車の普及Despite jobs gains, expert forecasts declining demand for labor米国入国時のコロナ検査不要に第10回 6月17日(金) SNSライブ配信【Work Culture Difference between Japan and the U.S.】U.S. labor market stays tight as workers remain scarce; manufacturing regains speed05月In these locations, gas costs more than the U.S. minimum wageNYC 給与開示の法案施行を先送りに5月20日(金) ET 12:30~ 第9回 SNSライブ配信【The Future of Workplace】2022年5月19日(木)開催【全米向け】面接時の質問 Do’s and Don’ts ウェビナー04月No college degree? No problem. More companies are eliminating requirements to attract the workers they need米ゴールドマンサックス 無料ランチ廃止へ第8回 4月15日(金) ET 12:30~ SNSライブ配信開催 (候補者向け)U.S. unemployment rate drops to 3.6% as labor market rapidly tightens03月ADP: Employers Added 455,000 Jobs in MarchHybrid work: If you’re not experimenting, you’re failing第7回 3月18日(金) ET 12:30~ SNSライブ配信開催 (候補者向け)弊社YouTubeチャンネルに動画【アメリカ人材マーケットの今】を投稿しました!米保健当局、コロナ対策のロードマップ作成02月アメリカ2月PMI、56.0に上昇/企業活動は全般に上向き 更なる雇用拡大へマスク義務の撤廃相次ぐ2023年度H-1B就労ビザの申請登録開始日、締切日01月第6回 2月11日(金) ET 12:30~ SNSライブ配信開催 (候補者向け)米労働省、大手企業へのワクチン接種義務化撤回 アメリカで検査キット配布始まる第5回 1月14日(金) ET 12:30~ SNSライブ配信開催 (候補者向け)新年のご挨拶


12月Happy Holidays!NYCワクチン接種義務化概要ウェビナー雇用「絶好調」のアメリカで経済悲観論が広がる理由10月米アマゾン15万人の臨時雇用を発表先日発表、2021年9月のアメリカ雇用統計10/22(金)【全米向け】人事マネージメント基礎講座ウェビナー Part 4(最終回)09月第2回 10月8日(金) ET 12:30~ LIVE配信開催 (候補者向け)9月17日(金)開催【全米向け】人事マネージメント基礎講座ウェビナー Part 3【速報】テキサス州セクシャルハラスメント関連法改正9月10日(金) ET 12:30~ LIVE配信開催 (候補者向け)08月9月3日(金)開催 テキサス州セクシャルハラスメント関連法改正についての緊急説明会アンドリュー・クオモ氏がNY州知事を辞任8/20(金)人事マネージメント基礎講座ウェビナー人手確保へ学費全額負担南カリフォルニア最大級の日本文化イベント、OC Japan Fairが10月に開催!07月NY HERO ACTインスタグラム始めました! JCCC渉外PR委員会・Japanese American各団体主催Nipponピクニック現役リクルーターに聞くアメリカ就職06月5月28日(金)駐妻café.様ご開催のオンラインカフェ「アメリカの人材紹介会社に聞く、駐在妻の就労のリアル」ご参加者のレポートリモートワークからオフィス勤務へJuneteenth: もうすぐアメリカの祝日が増えるかも? アメリカ全土の新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種率05月各企業の時給の引き上げ2021年5月28日(金) 駐在妻のオンラインカフェ04月【企業様向】【無料講座】2021年4月23日 FLSA Wage and Hours~賃金と就労時間のルール



11月12/17/2019: 人事関連セミナー開催のお知らせ 【米国ミレニアル世代が街のランドスケープを変えている!】12/19(木)”新年度に向けての人事考課プランニングとジョブディスクリプション” 講座のご案内10月11/14(木)”従業員を雇用する際のオンボーディングで必要な書類と保管方法” 講座のご案内09月10/17(木)ダイバーシティーマネージメント 講座のご案内9/19 NY市雇用関連法 講座のご報告08月9/19(木)NY人事 最低でも押さえておかなければならない法律! 講座のご案内06月7/18(木)差別禁止に関する5 つの連邦法 勉強会のご案内6/13 従業員エンゲージメント 勉強会のご報告05月6/13(木)従業員エンゲージメント 勉強会のご案内5/16 FLSA Exempt、Non-Exemptステータスの基礎知識 勉強会のご報告6/12(水)Actus & EBG 無料人事セミナーのご案内~雇用法のアップデートと保険・ベネフィットトレンド~04月5/16(木)FLSA Exempt、Non-Exemptステータスの基礎知識 勉強会のご案内03月3/14 人事考課の目的と適切な運用 勉強会のご報告4/18(木)米国の人事・人事担当者の仕事と役割 勉強会のご案内02月2/14 NY州監修セクハラトレーニングビデオガイダンス 勉強会のご報告3/14(木)人事考課の目的と適切な運用 勉強会のご案内2019年人事マネージメント基礎コース~お申し込みの詳細~2019年人事マネージメント基礎コース 全10回シリーズ01月2/14(木)NY州セクハラトレーニング 勉強会のご案内
















eBay is laying off 1,000 employees, about 9% of its staff 米イーベイ、1000人の人員削減を発表
eBay is cutting 1,000 roles, about 9% of its full-time employees, the company’s CEO announced online Tuesday.

The company also plans to scale back its contracts with its “alternate workforce” in the coming months.

CEO Jamie Iannone cited the “challenging macroeconomic environment” as an external pressure but added that there are factors the company can control.

“While we are making progress against our strategy, our overall headcount and expenses have outpaced the growth of our business. To address this, we’re implementing organizational changes that align and consolidate certain teams to improve the end-to-end experience, and better meet the needs of our customers around the world,” the note said.

Iannone requested US employees work from home on January 24th “to provide space and privacy for these conversations.” He said employees would be notified if they were laid off by their leader over Zoom.

“We’re committed to treating everyone with respect and empathy through this transition and providing impacted employees with support and resources,” Iannone said.

The eBay action is the latest round of layoffs to hit the tech industry in the first month of 2024, after an already difficult 2023 for the sector. This month, Google CEO Sundar Pichai warned employees to expect additional layoffs in the months to come as the tech giant reorients itself toward artificial intelligence “and beyond.” Duolingo laid off around 10% of its contract workers as it moves to rely more heavily on artificial intelligence. Amazon also cut hundreds of jobs, including at streaming platform Twitch.

Almost 11,000 tech employees have been laid off at 63 companies so far in 2024, according to data from layoffs.fyi.

article from CNN:









"US producer prices unexpectedly fall; goods deflation seen persisting" -米12月PPI、前月比0.1%下落 予想に反し 前年比は伸び加速
WASHINGTON, Jan 12 (Reuters) - U.S. producer prices unexpectedly fell in December amid declining costs for goods such as diesel fuel and food, suggesting inflation would continue to subside and allow the Federal Reserve to start cutting interest rates this year.

The report from the Labor Department on Friday, which also showed prices for services were unchanged for the third straight month, implied that a pick-up in consumer prices last month was likely a blip. It led economists to anticipate that the key price measures tracked by the U.S. central bank for its 2% inflation target rose moderately in December from the prior month.

"The inflation pipeline is clearing and consumer prices will gradually get to the Fed's 2% target," said Jeffrey Roach, chief economist at LPL Financial in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The producer price index for final demand dipped 0.1% last month, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics said. Data for November was revised to show the PPI falling 0.1% instead of being unchanged as previously reported. The PPI has now declined for three consecutive months.

Food prices slipped 0.9% last month, with the cost of eggs tumbling 20.5%, but reversing only a fraction of the 71.2% surge in November. An outbreak of avian flu at some commercial farms was behind the spike in prices in November. Wholesale passenger car prices fell 3.0%. But gasoline prices increased 2.1%.

In the 12 months through December, the PPI increased 1.0% after advancing 0.8% in November. Data on Thursday showed consumer prices increased more than expected in December, driven by solid gains in shelter and healthcare costs.

Article from (https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-producer-prices-unexpectedly-fall-december-2024-01-12/)

"[ワシントン 12日 ロイター] - 米労働省が12日発表した2023年12月の卸売物価指数(PPI、最終需要向け財・サービス)は前月比0.1%下落と、市場予想(0.1%上昇)に反し下落した。財(モノ)の価格が下落する一方、サービスの価格は変わらずだった。










Important Update on Waivers of the Interview Requirement for Certain Nonimmigrant Visa Applicants
The Secretary of State, following consultations with the Department of Homeland Security, has determined that the following categories of interview waivers are in the national interest. Changes based on that determination are implemented by consular officers, who now have the authority and discretion to waive the in-person interview for:

First time H-2 visa applicants (temporary agricultural and non-agricultural workers); and

Other nonimmigrant visa applicants applying for any nonimmigrant visa classification who:

Were previously issued a nonimmigrant visa in any classification, unless the only prior issued visa was a B visa; and
Are applying within 48 months of their most recent nonimmigrant visa’s expiration date.
In all cases, applicants must meet certain legal requirements to qualify for an interview waiver. Implementation of this authority begins January 1, 2024, and will be reviewed annually. This authority is in place until further notice.

As a reminder, applicants renewing a nonimmigrant visa in the same classification within 48 months of the prior visa’s expiration date continue to be eligible for interview waiver until further notice.

To be eligible for an interview waiver, applicants must also meet certain criteria, including that they:

apply in their country of nationality or residence.

have never been refused a visa (unless such refusal was overcome or waived).

have no apparent or potential ineligibility.
Consular officers may still require in-person interviews on a case-by-case basis or because of local conditions. We encourage applicants to check embassy and consulate websites for more detailed information about visa application requirements and procedures, and to learn more about the embassy’s operating status and services.

Article from: