
異文化、グローバル、海外 などと聞いた途端、「英語が苦手だから…」と考えてしまいがちです。しかし、グローバルリーダーとして、文化や言葉、価値観の異なる人たちにしっかり意思を伝え、理解してもらい、共に動いてもらうために必要な力は、実は「語学力」ではありません。





英語ネイティブの語彙力は、2万~3万5千語といわれていますが、私が語彙力テストで試してみたところ、なんとお恥ずかしながら1万語ほど。これは8歳児の語彙力 に匹敵するそうです。つまり英語でも、そして日本語でも人見知りで口数が少ない人でも、8歳児の語彙力を持っていれば、圧倒的に話が短いのに今の100倍伝わる人になる素質が皆さんにも備わっているのです。



① 月4回/週1回の動画による会員限定講座受講 で知識力UP!

② 月1回のライブグループコーチングで、実践スキルUP!


③BTS Academy Online Speech Club会員 &コミュニティ活動で、モチベーションUP!

定期コース受講生は定期コース受講生限定コミュニティ『BTS Academy Online Speech Club』に参加いただけます。誰でも一人でモチベーションを保つのは至難の業。このコミュニティでは、スクールやお稽古ごとに通うのと同じように、毎週配信の動画で感じた疑問や普段抱える課題について、信元へ直接質問できる他、同じ様な悩みや目的をもった人や、今まで接点のなかったような人と出会い、同じ志を持つ仲間として、一緒に成長していくことができます。


本メルマガを見てくださっている方限定 初月無料クーポンはこちらです: 「actus20」 (有効期限:2022年2月28日)


あなたも、英語でも日本語でも「圧倒的に話が短いのに今の100倍伝わる人」になって、 「あの人に任せたい」、「あの人と仕事がしたい」、そんな、周囲を巻き込む影響力のある自分軸を持った人になりませんか?


The Art of Persuasive Speaking in Global Business
Do you know how to really persuade your audience? I’m talking about getting them to change their thinking or convince them to do something following your presentation.

As someone who has delivered countless persuasive presentations and coached many leaders in the US to speak persuasively, I know how possible it is to practice the art of persuasion by using tried and tested techniques that I know work.

To find out more about the power of persuasive speaking and have the skills to be able to persuade any audience, enroll on my online course,“ The Art of Persuasive Speaking in Global Business.”

Here are some of the techniques to help turn an ordinary speech or presentation into a persuasive one that really convinces your audience.
Use storytelling

Telling a story will make you more relatable and keep your audience engaged. By sharing your own experiences, you will build credibility and help your audience relate to you as an individual.

Make the story something that your audience can relate to. Use characters that reflect the persona of people in the room and a narrative that is gripping and intriguing.

Download my 6 Cs of Effective Storytelling right here >>

Make an impact in the first 30 seconds

The first 30 seconds is the crucial time that the audience decide whether they’re going to pay attention or not, so make it count.

Start with a really punchy opening; a shocking quote, a surprising statistic or something about you that challenges your audience and stirs emotion.

Some people find it hard going straight into a powerful opening one-liner, but it’s far more compelling when your first words are, “I shouldn’t be standing on this stage today…” or “It was the scariest moment of my life …”

Make it personal

You’ll be able to tell a much better story when it comes from a personal past experience. You’ll be far more connected to it and your audience will relate to you more. Dig deep when it comes to telling your story. Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability and emotion as that’s what gets your audience to really buy into you.

Ask them questions

At the end of your story, you can pose a question that makes them challenge their thinking. They’re a proven way to get them to have that ‘A-ha’ moment and reflect back on your story and how it affects them.

Finish strong

What’s your call-to-action at the end of your presentation? After you’ve told such a compelling story, make it a strong compelling action that you want your audience to take.

Make it easy for them to take it. If it takes too much effort, they won’t bother by the time they get home. For example, if you want them to download or sign up for something on your website, could you present a poster with a QR code by the door that people can easily scan as they leave the room?

By enrolling on my online course, “The Art of Persuasive Speaking in Global Business” you’ll become a master at persuasive speaking and be able to apply it to any speech or presentation you give in the future.
ENROL TODAY >>https://natsuyo-s-school.thinkific.com/